Monday 11 February 2013

Background pictures whilst filming

Myself and my group spent weeks preparing to film for our thriller opening, we finally filmed our thriller opening. We focused on the setting, lighting and props for our thriller.


For our setting we used a friends bedroom which fitted the exact criteria for our thriller opening, this was because the positioning of the room was perfect and allowed us to be able to re-arrange the way in which we wanted it if needed, whereas filming outdoors would of restricted us because if we did need to repeat any shots it would be hard to keep continuity. Also the location was close and we were able to feel comfortable in the environment we were working in.


The lighting for our thriller opening held a importance significance to the whole concept of our opening. this is because we had the lights off during filming with the curtains closed - this was to create a eerie and suspicious atmosphere. We only used a led light during filming, which was shone on myself as I was the actress to emphasise me being a seductive and provocative woman.The led light helped to reinforce the idea that the character was living in darkness and was of a lower class. Also it showed that she lived in a dark atmosphere which also linked in with the personality of which she possessed because she was obsessed with thrillers and the way in which people acted in those thrillers, they became an influence.

Props used
- A white dress which signified innocence and purity
- A purple dress which signified power and dominance
- Homage from Silence Of The Lambs which were the motivational words on the tree - (we used this on the back of the door in picture 3).
- Homage from famous Femme Fatale films posters on the wall from Fatal Attraction, The postman Only Rings Twice and Double Indemnity.
- The trenchcoat, whiskey and cigarette which are iconic Film Noir props. 
- Empty photo frames and a upside down clock to reflect on the characters mind state but also to raise questions to the audience
- Red lipstick and red nail varnish to show a provocative and seductive sense but also to show a hint of danger

This picture is of empty photo frames and the upside down clock is deliberately pointed at 12:12. The idea of 12:12 is to signify the characters rigid mind and how precised she is within herself and the way in which she lives her life. The empty frames shows her mind state and the way in which she is mentally empty as is her life because she does not possess much money which is why she transcends into a plot of killing a billionaire who wins the lottery. 

This is a picture of myself and my group whilst filming. As you can see it was our very first shot and take which we found very exciting and were determined to see what it is like using the cameras and lighting. As the actress it was a very hard challenge for me to get into character and be able to act appropriately in front of the camera without laughing or smiling. After awhile I was able to compose myself and stay in character which transcended us onto a very productive filming session.

This picture is of the homage we used from Silence Of The Lambs. We took this idea from the scene of the motivational words on the tree whilst the girl is running as you can see in the picture above. The reason why we did this is because it links with the criteria we came up with. The idea of using motivational words on the back of the door gave more of an edge to the opening and the way in which the character is. Also

Friday 8 February 2013

Starting Editing

I have now started editing on Final Cut Express and I am starting to edit the shots together for our Thriller Film Opening.


The Bourne Ultimatum   - Action Thriller

This sub-genre uses physical action to create suspense and emphasis within the film. It contains physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. These scenes contribute to the overall sense of danger within the film. Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.

Thriller Opening Pitch

 For myself, Kelly and Andrew's Thriller opening we came up with the idea of a Film Noir/ Feme Fatale Thriller.

 This is our pitch that we presented:

Shot list